
The wooden apple box is one of the most useful grip pieces you’ll find on set. They are the ultimate in multitasking, used for leveling trackways on rolling platforms, giving a boost to short people, a quick stool for a tired grip, a workbench, a mounting platform, and more. They come in four standard sizes, which are fractions of a full standard apple box measuring 50.8 cm x 30.48 cm x 20.32 cm. Two halves make a full, four quarters make a full, and eight pancakes make a full.

Technical Features:

  • Essential studio gear for adding height to an area, leveling platform, mounting platform, workbench, seating, etc.
  • 9-ply birch wood with a smooth natural finish.
  • Central reinforcement for added strength and durability.
  • Rounded edges for ease of handling.

Prices outside our studios

-10 h. 1 day 2 days 3 days Weekend
7,50 € 10,00 € 17,00 € 23,00 € 15,00 €

The 4 units are rented for a total price of 25€.

+  5% insurance, does not include theft or negligence. Franchise 200€. IVA not included.